Book Reviews

Heavy Feather Review

Invaginies by Joe Koch

MadStone by K. Hank Jost

Deliver Me by Elle Nash

Newborn by Agustin Maes

Beasts of 42nd Street by Preston Fassel

NSFW by David Scott Hay

The PornME Trinity by David Leo Rice

Tell Me What You See by Terena Elizabeth Bell

Cialis, Verdi, Gin, Jag by Adam Johnson

Birth of Eros by Debra Di Blasi

Interrogating the Abyss by Chris Kelso

Cinema by Samuel Kaye

Nympholepsy by Alyssa Morhardt-Goldstein and Lisa Marie Basile

Anybody Home by Michael J. Seidlinger

The Autodidacts by Thomas Kendall

The New House by David Leo Rice

What Are You by Lindsay Lerman

Terminal Park by Gary J. Shipley

A Book About Myself Called Hell by Jared Joseph

Amygdalatropolis by B.R. Yeager

Angel House by David Leo Rice

Joel Death by B.R. Yeager and John Trefry


An Eerily Recurrent Credenza: An Essay on Apparitions of the Living by John Trefry

Daily Grindhouse

Against the Machine: On Alex Kazemi’s new millennium boyz

Desktop Surgery: On Chris Kelso and David Leo Rice’s Children of the New Flesh

Never Again (And Again, And Again): On Begotten and Gary J. Shipley’s You With Your Memory Are Dead

Exacting Clam

Yellow Switch Palace by David Bingham

Bedlam by Charlene Elsby

Strange Horizons

How I Killed the Universal Man by Thomas Kendall

Film criticism

Daily Grindhouse

The World is a Vampire: On House of Darkness and the Lasting Influence of Neil LaBute

Through a Glass, Darkly: On Afterschool and Sleeping Beauty

Survival Skills: On Felt and The Skin I Live In


Art for Our Lives: On Elephant, Zero Day, Polytechnique, and Run Hide Fight


Indie Spotlight Article on Troll’s influences for The Next Best Book Blog

Troll Author Playlist for Largehearted Boy